Wellness activity for quarantine days

This activity is one for adults, kids and families. It’s an opportunity to integrate insightful wellness habits into your every day. I highly recommend habits that are as natural and consistent as breathing. Our healthiest habits are the ones that benefit us from their ease of fitting into our day. They don’t need to be extraordinary stand alone activities (they can be, but that often makes it more challenging to make them occur amongst other priorities). 

 A range of wellness habits is essential at all times. But as I write this, in the middle of “stay at home” as a wellness habit our families and societies are embracing to protect against the corona virus. And now while much of our routines and daily lives have changed, these wellness habits become even more essential to protect against anxiety and depression and support our mental health. 

Helpful habits are anything that allows the calming centers in our brain to be active. Remember, the more time we spend with this part of our brain "turned on" the stronger it gets and the more helpful it can be in the moments when we need it most (when we are scared, fearful, worried and such). 



Start by making a list of helpful emotion words. Think of the feelings you like experiencing and want to purposefully create for yourself in your day. What are the emotions you like having? Write them on slips of paper and put them in a jar (like pictured). 



During this time of “stay at home” during the covid-19 outbreak, these are words and experiences I encourage everyone to cultivate. Again, they have tremendous value always and that value is magnified in the current time: 






Next, as a family, come up with your alphabet of "helpful habits". What are the activities and things you can do throughout your day that help create those feelings you just listed? (I’ve also attached a list you can refer to if you need some inspiration or insight! But this is where your creativity can really shine! Think about the things you do that make you feel happy, relaxed, connected, etc. And then add new ones to try as well).


Each morning draw a slip of paper from your jar. That’s your word of the day and spells out the helpful habits you will practice throughout the day (multiple times if realistic). Keeping these intentions at the forefront of your mind can be a super helpful road map to follow for the day, getting you the mood and mindset you want.  Every time you do so, you’re activating the feel good chemicals and reward system in your brain and body! 

Refer back to your word as frequently as needed (you might want to keep it in your pocket or hang it somewhere you will see throughout the day!) 

And for my counseling colleagues providing telehealth, this activity can easily be adapted to do in a telehealth session and follow up on words and strategies used in between sessions!

Jaime Malone